Wednesday, March 31, 2010
These sweet things arrived at the shop today. I bought one from Lori last year and so many people wanted it every time I wore it, I thought I'd get her to do some just for you!
There are some other colors as well and retail for 45.00 each.
Come by the shop and see them, or just give me a call and I can send one to you.
The clasp is adjustable.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A Sunday Tour of Door County
You can tell that there is not much going on at the shop other than spring cleaning and waiting for our new merchandise to come in... so John and I went for a Sunday drive.
I've always wanted to do a photo shoot of "Rusty Door County"... even though some find it somewhat unattractive, I love it.
Needless to say, we got sidetracked. I only have two rusty photos in this post.... to come in a bit. John and I know of a public picnic area that is on the beach that very few know of. It is only about 20 feet wide and you literally park next to someone's home. There's a green space then about six feet down a ledge, you are on a fantastic beach!
Hold the phone.... Is that a bald eagle?
Yes! We saw it coming in and he literally is about 30 feet over our heads! He floated right above us for what seemed like a little too long and it freaked me out! It was fantastic. Click on the picture for a better look!
Back to the secret beach. I will tell you it's between Ellison Bay and Gill's Rock. Call me if you want to know where it is... I wouldn't want the masses showing up when John and I are trying to have a romantic picnic!
The beach is all sand and shells. Around the corner is stone and cliffs.
Rusty. John's got nerve. We drove onto this property... looked like no one was home. Those of us who live here all have stories about tourists coming onto their property, and here we were.
Some day I'll tell you the story about when we first moved here and late one night a very drunken "Tony" let himself into our house... I digress.
I call these "son's a bitches".... pardon me. You would too if you have been driving four young boys to Green Bay and one landed in your wind shield leaving powdered glass on all passengers and a sagging hole in half of it! We still talk about this... and we do laugh... especially that he bounced off the car landed in the ditch on the other side of the road, and hopped up going on his merry way!
Rusty! I have passed this cottage a million times and this day was the first time I had ever noticed it! It is tiny and I dare say I love the sagging awning. It's smack in the middle of a DC village... any guesses?
This is a view from the cliffs at the Ellison Bay Scenic overlook. The ice is heading out, thank you very much.
The walkway to the overlook.
I love this picture.... this is the shoreline and about 50 feet out was that ice. Love the colors, again, taken from high above.
The swans are at North Bay. They were to far out to get any really good pictures, but it was haunting none the less. Have you ever heard the swans sing? It's amazing.
Far, far away... past the white barns with the green roofs is my little farmhouse. White with a red roof. I love to look for it at this spot... and love the changes this field makes throughout the season.
Happy Sunday everyone.
Monday, March 15, 2010
An Excursion With Much Muchness.
This is my friend Debbie, whom some of you may know from the Magic Jacket in Fish Creek.
She turned 60 last week (we should all look this good) and it was time to celebrate with an excursion to Green Bay.
Green Bay... surprised? Don't be. If you haven't been to the suburb, DePere, you don't know what you're missing!
We started the day with a crown and magic wand (in which Debbie used to take out the sugar in the two yummy cakes we ate) and swept her to DePere with our mission being to peruse Assemblage Studio, have lunch at Bouchee and off to see "Alice".
Let the shopping begin... Theresa, the owner is an artist that uses found objects to make all kinds of incredible things. She has weekly classes and you can find an enormous amount of treasures in her tiny shop.
Glitter and ribbon and paper... oh my!
Kim and Jody just getting started.
We all wanted this collage masterpiece. Especially with the theme of the day.... we were stunned to find out it was made by twelve year old Tyler, who was in school at the moment and couldn't be reached for a price quote.
We gave Debbie a gift certificate and she put it to good use.
Debbie and her sidekick Theresa inspecting and deciding.
The displays at Assemblage are over the top. You just want everything, pile it up on the counter, having no idea what you're going to do with it but you know you HAVE to have it!
Debbie and Kim snuck into Theresa's studio. That's where the best stuff was.
Like this book....
Little cupies and china dolls snuggled in tissue.
Yes, the wheels were in it!
Jody's getting married soon.... bridal veil? Theresa has all kinds of paper crowns adorned with everything imaginable.
Well hello.... stop me in my tracks hat with floral millinery. Just out of my price range. I know I'm going to regret not coughing up the money for this treasure.
On to Bouchee! Kim got things kicked off by reciting "The Jabberwocky"... seriously.
Okay, this was everyone's first time eating at Bouchee. The menu is as good and as fresh as it gets. Have you ever eaten a meal where you can just FEEL the love put into it? This is where it's at.
A sampling above. We had ordered a small cake in advance and they brought it out to Debbie and even cut it and served it. The staff was very chipper and you just knew that who ever owns Bouchee, knows good food and how to train and treat a staff very well.
Off to
Here we are after great shopping and great food, getting ready to put our 3-D glasses to use.
Here's the deal on this day.... and I hope you create one of your own....
Good friends, great conversation, lots of laughs and a movie that charmed us and made us think.
"Alice" left us feeling that we could do anything.... stand our ground, be different, be loyal, be loving... and a girl can do anything.... with "Much Muchness".
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Now, here is an event not to miss.
The Creative Connection Event (click here).
I read about this on the Curious Sofa blog.
What a wonderful idea AND it's in Minneapolis.
Not only is this a great event, it coincides with THIS!
Click above to get details... I know I won't want to miss it!
Let's give them all the support we can!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Here's a special happy birthday wish to my crazy fun friend, Debbie!
(that's lip plumper someone gave her at the party last year... normally she doesn't wear lipstick)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
New Linens at Viva

We finally received our shipment from Pom Pom. I was smitten with the woman who came up with this European linen line when she was featured in Mary Englbreits magazine several years ago. They did a holiday feature on her home, and it was the first time I had seen pink and champagne colors used for Christmas.... not to mention the smaller Christmas trees put around her home in antique garden urns.
Anyway, above is a gorgeous set of "His and Hers" linen cases in dove gray and white.

Lovely, lovely linen place mats and napkins. Several different colors and frankly, a fantastic wedding gift. Washer AND dryer safe!

New euro shams.... nice neutrals for spring.

Here is our favorite Pine Cone Hill Caroline Sheets. These come in blue and pink as well.
84.00 for a twin sheet set. Very reasonable, especially considering the quality and easy care.

Here is the Caroline pattern in the blue and touches of yellow and pink.
There are duvets, sheet sets, bed skirts as well as other accessories.
Comes in all sizes.
Call if you want info.